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Who is Guru?

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

The term "Guru" in Yoga is derived from Sanskrit.

The syllable "Gu " means darkness or ignorance. the syllable "Ru " means dispeller

Guru is the dispeller of the darkness called "Avidya (Ignorance)" through the light of knowledge.

Rig Veda, one of the four ancient Vedic scriptures, describes the Guru to be, "the source and inspirer of the knowledge of the Self, the essence of reality ". The Guru’s presence is unlimited, vast, infinite, and all-inclusive.

In the practice of yoga, the Guru (teacher or spiritual guide) holds immense importance and is often considered a beacon of light on the path to self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Below are the 8 key aspects highlighting the significance of Guru in the world of Yoga:

1. Transmission of Ancient Wisdom: Gurus are the bearers of ancient yogic wisdom, preserving and passing down the teachings, practices, and philosophy of yoga from generation to generation. They ensure that the profound knowledge of yoga remains untainted and unaltered.

2. Personalized Guidance: Yoga is a highly individualized practice, and a guru tailors the practice to each student's unique needs, abilities, and limitations. This personalized guidance maximizes the benefits of yoga while minimizing the risk of injury.

3. Moral and Ethical Mentorship: Beyond postures and breath control, yoga encompasses ethical and spiritual dimensions. Gurus impart not only the physical aspects but also the ethical principles and spiritual values inherent in yoga, fostering qualities like compassion, integrity, and self-awareness.

4. Alignment and Safety: Correct alignment and technique are vital in yoga to prevent injuries and optimize the benefits of the practice. A guru's expert eye ensures that students practice safely and with the right intention.

5. Spiritual Guidance: Many practitioners turn to yoga for spiritual growth and self-realization. Gurus guide their students on this profound inner journey, providing insights into meditation, self-awareness, and the nature of the self.

6. Emotional Support and Motivation: The path of yoga can be challenging, and practitioners may face physical or mental obstacles. Gurus offer emotional support, encouragement, and motivation, helping students overcome difficulties and stay committed to their practice.

7. Preservation of Tradition: Yoga has a rich history with diverse schools and lineages. Gurus play a vital role in preserving and passing down the teachings and practices of their specific tradition, ensuring the continuity of yoga's ancient wisdom.

8. Accountability and Discipline: The presence of a guru creates accountability in a student's practice. Knowing that there is a teacher to report to can inspire diligence and discipline, facilitating progress on the yoga path.

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